Dr. Rindie Coker – has been my doctor since 2003 and still on going. What is nice is Dr. Coker can treat me long distance by phone – since I have moved from her area.
When I saw Dr. Coker back in 2003, I had just finished extensive chemo and radiation (cancer) treatments and was in a mess of pain. All kinds of doctors wanted to treat me with pain management and all kinds of prescriptions (my body is highly sensitive to pills- prescriptions even to aspirin, plus I have a lot of allergies.) My body was a mess before, during, and after chemo and radiation treatments.
Dr. Coker took me in her loving and caring healing process by her NATURAL REMEDIES. My body responded so very well with NO bad side effects. Dr Coker promised (and has kept her promise) to continue to help and treat me whenever needed and consult with my primary doctor when necessary.
Dr. Coker continues to be a blessing in my life.