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What is Detoxification?

Detoxification is the name we give to the body’s natural process of converting a harmful substance to a less harmful substance and preparing it to be excreted by the normal processes of elimination.These harmful substances can be made in the body by regular metabolic processes, or they can be environmental poisons like petroleum based chemicals, air pollution, food and water additives (both accidental and on purpose) household cleaners, pesticides, herbicides, and even personal care products. 
How does your body get rid of toxins?
Detoxification is a rather complicated process that happens mainly in the liver. A true ” detox” doesn’t actually detoxify anything in itself, but provides the nutrients necessary for the liver, the kidneys, the GI tract, and the lymphatic system to work properly, and often involves eating foods that contain these nutrients.  These foods include fresh fruits, vegetables, starchy vegetables and lean protein sources.
Once these organs are working optimally, if we know through testing what poisons you have in your body we can add other preparations to help get those out.

Does detox cause acne, nausea, weight loss, dizziness, hormonal imbalance or any other conditions?

Because detoxification is so nutrient dependent, and because the sicker you are the harder it may be to detox, some people do get clearing reactions during the process. These may include fatigue, skin breakouts, and a little gastrointestinal distress. The more we prepare the body beforehand the fewer symptoms it causes. Detoxification should not cause dizziness or hormonal imbalance.
Weight loss may occur, as sometimes it’s the toxins that are making you hold on to weight, or create inflammation that makes it hard to lose weight. As the poisons go, so do some of the excess water and fat. That’s what makes detoxification such an important part of a good weight loss program.

What is the difference between a detoxification program and a cleanse?

Many of people mistake “cleanses” for detox. These are often short term and focus on the colon and waste products stored there. There are also parasite cleanses, yeast cleanses and the like, and they have their place at the right time of the healing journey. 
Lemon water, apple cider vinegar, and epsom salts aid the detoxification process and are included in the detox diet, but don’t do the job by themselves. Castor oil packs applied externally are also a good addition to any program.

How long does the detoxification process take?

Detoxification really is a lifelong process considering the world we live in, but “doing a detox” takes three months to a year. When it’s time, we will determine the most appropriate program for you.
First we will test to see what it is we need to detox – environmental chemicals and pesticides, mycotoxins (mold), debris from chronic infections,heavy metals, or (usually) a combination. 

What is the process of detoxification like?

We can test you using the Spectra Scan, the ZYTO, and/or urine tests from Great Plains or Doctors Data.
Then we choose a package. I work with supplements from many companies who specialize in this and may mix and match to personalize it to you. These include:
  • 6 day Detox from Xymogen which is really 30 days total, for the beginner
  • OmniCleanse from Deseret Biologicals which goes deeper and prepares the body for the next step
  • True Cellular Detox, a 3+ month program that first prepares the body by supplying necessary nutrients, then focuses on detoxifying the body, then the brain.
  • Purify 2.0 from Nature’s Sunshine, a very gentle program focusing on removing metals without chelation
  • Quicksilver Scientific, for metals, mycotoxins and preparing the detox pathways
  • CellCore Biosciences Foundational (4 month) or Comprehensive (10 month) protocols, healing from the ground up.
Which conditions benefit from detoxes?

If you suffer with headaches, digestive problems, sensitivity to smoke and perfume, fatigue, muscle pains, joint pains, asthma, eczema, dizziness, back pain, neck pain, edema, PMS, weight gain, allergies, rashes, depression, autoimmunity, frequent colds and flus, brain fog or any number of other symptoms then the program might be for you. Additionally, if  you have trouble handling the chemical burden that we are all exposed to, we can help.

The Average American has 116 Chemicals in His or Her Body

The *body burden* of chemicals is tested by the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention every two years. They have found that the average American now has 116 synthetic compounds in his or her body. Chemical exposure can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, skin problems, digestive problems, recurrent Candidiasis, allergies and even cancer.

Some occupations that involve chemical exposure are farmers, hairdressers, photographers, refinery and
factory workers, airline employees, truck drivers, auto mechanics, painters, doctors, and x-ray technicians.
But in reality, all of us have an inappropriate amount of chemical exposure.

  • Any condition benefits from detox except perhaps acute pain.
  • We do not do alcohol detoxification, which is a whole different arena.
  • Additionally, detox won’t help you quit smoking, but it may help afterwards by clearing up toxins.


What is Zerona?

Zerona® is the first non-invasive body contouring procedure to effectively remove excess fat without the negative side effects associated with surgical methods. Traditional liposuction requires an invasive procedure to remove fat from areas such as the abdomen, thighs, neck, and arms. Noninvasive Zerona uses laser energy to penetrate fat cells, causing them to release their stored contents and shrink.

How Can Zerona help me lose weight?

From My

‘Zerona uses low-level laser stimulation to disrupt the membrane of fat cells. This disruption induces the formation of a transitory pore that causes the fatty material of the cell to seep out and move into the interstitial space regulated by the lymphatic system. The result is that fat cells within adipose tissue are shrunk instead of being killed, which can be harmful to the integrity of bodily tissue.’

Is Zeona painful?

No, it’s a low level light laser which will not heat up your skin. 

What can I expect to feel during my appointment?

You will experience a feeling of relaxation for about forty minutes while the treatment lasts. 

Is it safe?

Yes. You will never experience the side effects associated with invasive methods like liposuction. Zerona will cause no bruising or scarring and there is no downtime. 

Who shouldn’t use Zerona?

Pregnant women and those with a pacemaker.

How often can I do the procedure?

Multiple times. We will consult with you and help you decide based on your desired outcome.

How soon will I see results?

In about 4-6 sessions, if not sooner. 


We have found the oral method, using liposomal products, to be just as effective as IV chelation. It can be done at home. Chelation removes toxic metals from the body, especially mercury, lead, and aluminum. These metals are “enzyme disruptors” and they harm the body by binding to a site on a cell where a beneficial mineral is supposed to be, thereby slowing down functioning of the cell. When the metals are removed and minerals are replaced, cells can start working the way they are supposed to and the body can start to heal.

Our basic program can be modified to fit your individual needs and consists of the following:

Step 1:

First of all, we need to know two things. Do you have a high level of toxic metals and can you naturally get rid of them? If you have a history of exposure and very little comes out on your test, we may need to take a closer look at your detoxification pathways. Your first appointment will involve taking your history and doing some testing to see how toxic you are, then sending you home with a urine collection kit that you will send to the lab.

If you want to get started before you get results, you can take your drainage remedies home too and start them. That way, by the time your test is back you will be ready for the detox.

  • Homeopathic Drainage remedies: The six part OmniCleanse helps open up the organs of elimination (liver, kidney, GI, lymphatics), balances the communication of the nervous system, and prepares the body for detoxification. We do this step for 1-2 weeks prior to starting actual detoxification. This is a very important step, since once we start moving the metals we want them to get out of the body, not get stuck somewhere else. It also protects the liver and kidneys.

 Step 2:

  • Quicksilver Scientific Qube or DesBio Metals and Minerals Balancing Kit. More advanced kits are available.
  • Continue drainage remedies.
  • You will be taking a multivitamin/multimineral throughout the process.

Step 3:

  • After three months, repeat urine test. The EDTA you have been taking serves as the provocation agent
  • Take a month off of the chelation products, continue drainage remedies. These may change.
  • Continue multivitamin and multiminerals. More minerals may be added as necessary based on testing.

We can also address other toxins or chronic health issues more fully during this time

Step 4:

At month five, depending on results of metals testing, we start step 2 again or begin maintenance. As we are always being exposed to new metals and toxins, detox can be a lifelong process.

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