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We want to help you be healthy and stay healthy, not just fix you when you’re sick.

We look past your symptoms and use multiple evaluation tools, that are at the cutting edge of alternative and energetic medicine, to find out why your body isn’t functioning optimally. We spend time with our patients; so you’ll never feel like you’re being rushed through your appointment. We respect where you are and what you are, or are not, willing to change in your life and consider ourselves partners with you in your healing process.

Our Services

Naprapathic manipulation

The word naprapathy comes from the Czech word napravit, which means “to correct or fix,” combined with the Greek word pathos, which means “suffering.” So naprapathy means to correct suffering. Naprapaths evaluate and treat connective tissue disorders. Practitioners of this 100 year old system manipulate the ligaments, muscles and tendons of the body using the bones as a lever, rather than trying to move the bones themselves.

Naprapaths believe that improper tension in these connective tissues, often triggered by stress and trauma, cause imbalances in the rest of the body. These imbalances may interfere with nerve function, blood flow and lymph movement. When these vital pathways are obstructed or compromised, pain and distant pathology may result. Most people see naprapaths to alleviate body pain, but connective tissue disorders can also cause headaches and digestive discomfort.

Treatment by licensed Doctors of Naprapathy (DN) are based on scientific principles and are gentle, comfortable, highly effective, and non-invasive.


Evox is a computer program that creates a visual map of your perception about a specific topic, like health, relationships, career etc.  You can speak about any topic into a microphone and the software records the energy behind the words. The energy of the voice is recorded and plotted into a perception index that allows you to see where you are stuck.

With the EVOX system, it is possible to quickly and painlessly shift, or reframe, perception at both a conscious and subconscious level.

Using the measurement of Galvanic Skin Response to certain Virtual Items (called a biosurvey), the EVOX scans information options and selects those you respond most favorably to; the information your body ‘likes.’ EVOX then sends that information to your body’s energetic field while you think about the topic, event, or person of which you are speaking.

For example, the computer will know if a patient is feeling unworthy of love and the hand cradle will put right energy into his / her energy field.

This process will open you up to different perceptions, so that you will be able to recognize your dysfunctional patterns, or it can change your patterns so that you will no longer attract the problem.

When the shift is complete the program will suggest homeopathic flower essences that you can take home, which will aid the process of recovery.


The premise behind the Neuromodulation Technique is that we are designed to heal. For example, the body knows how to heal a cut, because the autonomic nervous system controls healing and knows what is going on with every cell.

The NMT practitioner enters into a carefully developed therapeutic dialog with the patient’s mind-body. NMT uses special routines of questions and corrective training statements that are organized into therapeutic templates known as NMT clinical pathways. Each of these pathways is a window into a specific area of body function.

Normally a health problem will get better. However, if problem becomes chronic, then part of system has forgotten what to do. The Neuromodulation Technique consists of a series of scripts which reinstate parts, or pathways, that are dysfunctional. Likewise, it can tell the parts that remember to retrain the parts that don’t remember

NMT brings relief to a variety of issues including:

  • Food and environmental allergies
  • Acute and chronic pain syndromes
  • Emotional and psychological trauma
  • Many autoimmune and inflammatory conditions
  • Chronic, acute, and sub-clinical infection

The process can be conducted online or over the  phone.


Homeopathy is a 300 year old system of medicine based on the premise of “like cures like,” or that a small amount of a substance that in a larger amount would create a set of symptoms, triggers the body to alleviate those symptoms. For example, if you cut into an onion you would expect to get watery eyes and a runny nose. The remedy Allium Cepa, which is the Latin name for onion, is the one you would take if your symptoms were watery eyes and a runny nose, even if there was no onions involved. 
Homeopathic drainage remedies are combination formulas that improve the function of the liver, kidneys, GI tract and lymphatic system, allowing for optimal elimination. We use these formulas in most of our programs to help stimulate the body’s self healing response.



Auricular therapy is form of alternative medicine based on the idea that the ear is a micro system, which reflects the entire body, represented on the outer portion of the ear.

We apply reflexology to the ear utilizing lasers or seeds to ear points to relieve pain and alleviate addictions. 


Psych-K gets the right and left parts of the brain and the conscious and subconscious to work together in order to re-pattern old beliefs that are no longer serving you.

Limiting beliefs are usually acquired in childhood, and often persist into adulthood, below the level of your conscious awareness.

During a session, Dr. Rindie Coker will take you through a series of scripts pertaining to your problem that will rewrite your subconscious beliefs and help you transcend your limitations. 

Psych-K is more powerful than affirmations, visualization, and positive thinking, particularly when it pertains to wellness, stress reduction and changing maladaptive habits.

Abundance Alignment Technique

A new technique that helps you align to a goal. It can work in any area of your life, such as prosperity, relationships, addictions, and allergies. 

We will talk and discover where you aren’t aligned in your body – chakras, glands, organs, systems etc. Once we discover the blocks, we have a specific tapping sequence for each of the places where there is misalignment.

We will use specific statements and tap until there is a release. We can then muscle test to confirm that the block has been eliminated.

Healthexcel metabolic typing 

There is no one size fits all when it comes to diet. We use a computer generated  questionnaire with 130 questions that gathers information about your unique metabolic and dietary needs.

This method goes goes beyond blood typing and optimizes your external and internal environment. The goal is to find imbalances and bring up the underfunctioning parts of your body.

The program will indicate which foods are your ‘medicine’ and determine the energy and weight loss balancing needs of your body, including food and supplements. 

Liposomal chelation

Heavy metals are stored in tissues and prevent normal enzymes from working properly leading to imblances in the body and diseases processes. 

We test urine and / or hair to see which metals need to be chelated. 

We utilize products taken orally, which go straight into the cells to pick up metals that are then eliminated through the body’s natural waste processes.


Spectravision is a Bio-Energy balancing technique, using a highly sophisticated device used to measure the body’s flow of energy.

Many of the energetic blocks to wellness can be determined by Spectravsion.

SpectraVision can identify stress responses to toxins such as pesticides and chemicals, or issues surrounding defenses pertaining to viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites.

It is a completely dynamic system providing energetic insight to the skeletal system, nerves, organs, glands, hormones, amino acids, and hundreds of other aspects of the body. It can also identify emotional aspects that hinder overall health.

The energetic regulating systems of the body can now be fully assessed with incredible accuracy, and imperfections in the energetic system can be enhanced for balance and harmony.